Saturday 23 January 2010

Now that the holiday season is behind us, it's back to business here at Sally Jane Vintage.  There are lots of cute mini dresses, a beautiful tweed cape and the cutest 60's coat that I was so tempted to keep. There are also oxfords and boots in a variety of sizes. Thanks so much for stopping by and Happy New Year!

I've had my eye on these shoes for months on the Urban Outfitters site. They're the perfect mix of modern and vintage and will look good with everything from skirts and dresses to wide leg jeans. I put them in my virtual shopping cart and there they sat for weeks and weeks. I finally noticed that they'd been marked down on sale and I was sure they'd be out of my size. But alas, they weren't and now they're mine all mine. Yippee!

horse1 photo by Tom b.

As I'm sure you all know by now I'm notoriously bad at responding to tags. My apologies! I will try to get around to all of them eventually. However, this one from Jayne at Plain Jayne is so easy to do, I'll get right to it. The rules are:

1. Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures.
2. Pick the 4th picture in that folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same!

Here's my photo. It's from this past May when a couple of friends from Alabama came to visit Lancaster. We went for a ride on the Strasburg Railroad and then stopped by the Hans Herr house, the oldest home in Lancaster. One of the Amish work horses at the neighboring farm had a foal and I was feeding it hay through the fence. I'm not sure who hasn't been tagged with this yet, so if you'd like to play along, consider yourself tagged!



Spending a few days at my parent’s cabin gave me the opportunity to rummage through all of our old family photo albums. The original plan was to dig up embarrassing bad-adolescent-fashion photos but I when I came across these earlier snapshots I couldn’t resist. I guess this is hard evidence that I’ve always loved dressing up and having my picture taken. ;) I think you can see that I'm still using some of the same poses. Please try not to laugh too hard at my attempt to dress up as an Indian for Halloween. I was stricken with a terrible case of chicken pox and still have the scars to prove it. I think that grimace on my face says it all. For years after that (so many years I’m embarrassed to admit how many) I thought that chicken pox was something that happened to children only on Halloween night.


coat: H&M
sweater: from Goodwill but not really vintage
skirt: vintage
boots, belt & hat: vintage

Every once in a while I veer off topic here on the blog - nine out of ten times about our cats. After working from home this past year it seems that they've become an even bigger part of my life than they've ever been before


I've been wanting to try out a couple of wool knee length skirts that I found at a vintage store a while back. Since they aren't a style I normally wear I was having a hard time figuring out what to pair them with. My vintage brown knee boots were a given since they're all I've been wearing lately anyway. But what to wear on top? At first I reached for a frilly white blouse but quickly realized the weather was ruling that option out so I grabbed a grey cashmere turtle neck I just picked up at the thrift store instead. I looked in the mirror and was happy with the combination but for some reason it looked very familiar. Suddenly it struck me

Lately it seems like things have been piling up a bit around here. I've got dresses and shoes coming out of my ears and I need to do some serious end of the year cleaning


One of my favorite vintage stores here in town is closing its doors at the end of the month. I'm sad to see it go because it's one of those shops that I can go into and spend hours digging through piles of sewing notions, boxes of old photographs and racks of vintage clothes. There's even a closet in the back that's stacked to the ceiling with vintage hats boxes. In other words, it's a little bit of heaven. Every time I've gone in to snoop around I've eyed this 40's brown velvet Jonathan Logan dress but it was priced a bit more than I wanted to pay. Since the shop is closing and everything is on discount, it was the perfect time to pick it up. When I went to try it on, I discovered to my dismay that the side zipper was stubbornly stuck and some of the teeth were missing. There's also a splotch of white paint on the front of the dress near the bottom hem. Well, despite its flaws I decided to take it home anyway. I figured it was worth trying to rescue.

First I took out the side zipper which was easy enough. I've already begun replacing it with one I had lying around. I was able to try it on and it's a perfect fit which was a relief since I couldnt try it before bringing it home. Now, here's where I need help. The white paint spot on the front of the dress is about 6 inches from the hem. I've tried to remove it but it just takes the nap of the velvet right off with it leaving a bare spot. So... I'm left with two options: leave it as is and just deal with the paint spot or cut off about 6 inches from the bottom and rehem the dress. Right now the skirt portion is about 28 inches long and falls completely below my knee. If I rehemmed it, it would be about 22 inches long and fall right above my knee. I would also use the extra fabric from the hem to make a belt since the original one is missing.

On one hand, it would be nice to get rid of that paint spot but on the other hand it always seem such sacrilege to cut into a vintage dress. What should I do? You can vote in the upper right corner. Thanks for your help

jacket: Heimstone
dress: Topshop
sweater: vintage
wool tights: Mastermind
boot: vintage (I'm sort of wishing I hadn't sold these!)
purse: vintage



It hardly seems fair to publish a Holiday Wish List since I've told everyone I know not to buy me anything for Christmas. Honestly, none of these are needs in a time where lots of people are in need of many things. But I always have a little running list of things that catch my eye. Occasionally I'll indulged when something goes on sale but for the most part these things stay on the list until they get bumped off by some new shiny thing that catches my eye


coat: H&M
dress: vintage (thanks again Effie!)
boots, belt & purse: vintage
hat: Miller's Hats

Today Tom and I attended a guitar recital for his eleven year old niece (hi Liv!). It reminded me of my own piano recital when I was about her age. I was so sunburned I could barely move. I just remember wearing a very itchy dress and playing my music much too quickly.


coat: H&M
scarf: H&M
beret, belt, gloves & boots: vintage

The wardrobe remix photos have been few and far between lately because this is pretty much what I look like everyday since it's been so cold. Don't even bother asking what's on underneath the coat because the answer is whatever was the warmest thing I could find in my closet. I took my tripod and camera out with me when I walked to the market but couldn't be bothered to stop and take a photo for fear of freezing to the ground. The store was rather empty so I stole the opportunity to quicky set the tripod up and snap a couple of photos before anyone saw.

Since it's pouring down rain outside, I'm dedicating the entire day to getting this week's auctions ready to post. All of these items and the ones below will be in the store tomorrow afternoon (Friday). Please note that these auctions will only run for seven days and will end next Friday (as opposed to the usual Sunday end time).

This week I've got lots of little dresses, a few cute wool skirts, the warmest hooded plaid jacket and lots more. I'm super tempted to keep those brown buckle boots, but I'm doing my best to be good and put them in the store. And for the first time, I'm putting a few things for the guys in the store: a couple of plaid western shirts and a suede trimmed vest. So tell your brothers, your boyfriends and your dads! Thanks as always!!


dress: H&M
tights: Mastermind
coat: vintage
hat, gloves, purse & shoes: vintage
shawl: DIY'd from vintage materials - see below :)

I've had this vintage fur collar lying around my closet for weeks and I've been wondering what to do with it. I also had a dress that I'd bought just so I could take the little beaded collar from it. Suddenly I realized that I could use the satin cord belt from the dress to make a little tie for the collar and wear it over coats and sweaters (see the post below for a little more detail).

I have to admit that even though I have a vintage coat with a fur collar that I've worn to go out, I felt a little funny wearing this collar. I kept thinking someone was going to pelt me with flour or throw a PETA flier in my face. I know with a post like this there's always the danger of opening up the fur debate. I guess my stance is that there's enough fur in the world already. If we can demonstrate a way to repurpose the existing fur, there's no need for one more single animal to die. But then again, you could argue there's really no reason to wear fur at all.


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