Saturday 23 January 2010

I am hard at work getting everything ready to post the new auctions on Sunday. So far, I have managed to finished up with the shoes and now it's time to move on to the clothes. Here's what I have so far! This is partly a result of the massive closet clean out that happened earlier this week. You'd think that since most of these shoes came out of my closet they'd all be the same size, but alas, that is not the case. I think that just goes to show how determined I can be to wear a pair of shoes whether they be too big or too small as long as I love them. I felt a bit like Goldilocks as I went through my collection. A bit too big, a bit too small, but none of them just right. So... I'm hoping they'll all find good new homes with you!


photos and editing by Tom b.

After my last "this is what I'm wearing post" I thought it was so funny that a commenter asked if Tom and I live in a ghost town. No, I assure you we live in a town with other living, breathing people. It's just that we tend to seek out these abandoned places to explore and photograph. Lately Tom has found some really amazing places to shoot but I've been too much of a wuss to accompany him because of the cold. Hopefully once the weather warms a bit I'll get back to doing some more creative photography.
I am loathe to admit that I spent the greater part of the early-nineties in a pair of worn out Liberty overalls that I bought at a local thrift store for about two bucks. What can I say? I'm blaming it all on Marissa Tomei for looking impossible cute in hers while skating around the ice in Untamed Heart. Over the past year or so we've all noticed the slow rebirth of nineties fashion. First it was the floral babydoll dresses, then Doc Martens and if I'm guessing correctly overalls may be next (or maybe they already are and I'm just behind the times!). I've seen them popping up in all sorts of places over the past few weeks. But the ones I'm seeing are not my old beat-up, paint stained Liberties - they seem a bit more grown up and tailored this time around. Even though I've often sworn I'll never go back to wearing things I wore in my teenage years, I've spied a few pair that have me rethinking that.
While I've readily admitted that I'm still basking in the freezing weather and enjoying the bits of snow left of the ground, thoughts of spring have begun to invade my mind. Yesterday included a huge closet clean-out where I realized I'd been hoarding sweaters and shoes and put about half of each into a pile to sell. Cleaning out the closet is always my first harbinger of spring fever.

I love their vision of early spring with lightweight long sleeve dresses and bare legs, strappy sandals worn with socks and of course, the perfect trench coat. Since my pockets don't run APC-deep, I'll have to mine my own closet and keep my eyes open at vintage stores to see what I can come up with. That last outfit: loose floral dress, super soft cardigan, white sneakers (how Swedish!) and of course, a beret. It's perfection!


photos and editing by Tom b.

coat: vintage
dress: vintage
tights: AA
shoes: Seychelles via UO
purse & beret: vintage
listening to: Neko Case Fox Confessor Brings the Flood "Hold On, Hold On"

I've been wanting to wear this little coat ever since I picked it up at a local vintage store that was closing down but it's simply been too cold. It's pretty bad when it's too cold outside to wear a coat! I paired it with a long chiffon scarf I picked up at a thrift store. I think the look ended up being a little bit Madeline so it was apropos that Tom and I ran across an abandoned school when we were driving around yesterday. We snapped a few photos on the old playground and then wandered inside to have a look. Tom found the sweetest little children's song book from 1932 and gave it to me. It had me singing old tunes in my head for the rest of the day.
If there's been one accessory that been indispensable for me other the last few months, it's been my berets. It's really gotten to the point that I feel a bit naked without something covering my head. I'm usually in a camel one or a black one but I've also got several other colors in my arsenal. This past week I ran across a collection of vintage 70's berets in a nice variety of colors and textures: cute stripey ones, red knit ones, camel wool ones! Looking in my closet I realized I certainly don't need to add any to my collection so I put them up in the store instead. I'm offering them in two sets of four as shown.
Here's a peek at just a few of the pieces that will be going into the store this week. Thanks so much for stoppin' by!


I haven't really started thinking too much about spring yet but if I was thinking about spring, I might be thinking about swim suits. I'm so picky when it comes to swimwear and I never see any new suits that I like. Even most of the retro inspired vintage-y suits don't quite live up to the vision of the suit I have in my head. I've tried my hand at actual vintage swimwear only to find that the elastic is rotten or parts of them are stiff (ick!) or they completely stretch out of shape upon contact with water.


My plans for getting out and about today have been foiled by the snow that is now pouring past the window under which my desk sits. Instead of getting out and taking some photos for the blog like I'd hoped, my day has consisted of going to the grocery store (in pajamas and snow boots, mind you) and preparing packages for mailing. All of this after Yahoo suddenly decided I must be an evil spammer and temporarily locked me out of my email. Yikes! That was not a fun moment. All is well now and I'm snug in my apartment, content to watch the big fat snowflakes that are piling up on my window ledge.

I have to admit that I'm still enjoying the snowy weather. I think that's partly because it's a novelty to me since this is my first year living in a place where snow is the norm and also because I work from home and don't have to get out in it when I don't want to! But just because I'm content with the cold and snow doesn't mean I'm not starting to think about spring. All winter long I've been hiding away bits and pieces of a spring wardrobe like a little squirrel. Every time I find a sundress or sandals that I love, I just bury them in the back of my closet and try to forget about them. Here are a few of the things that I've packed away so far: a black and cream Young Edwardian halter dress with an antique lace collar, a blue and white embroidered silk chiffon dress from the 30's, a short sleeved knit 30's sweater (I actually found one!), a turn of the century tenerifelace corset cover to wear with high waisted skirts and two pairs of summery shoes (brown woven flats and a pair of 30's peep toe heels). OK, maybe I'm a bit more excited about spring than I'd like to admit.

After yesterday's little Dear-Abby themed rant (sorry about that, I was a little pissed), I figured I'd take it one step further and play my own little game of Dear Sally Jane. I often receive questions from readers and I try to answer them all but I'm admittedly not as good about that as I should be. So... today I'm going to address a recent question by doing one of my Four Ways posts.

Dear Sally Jane,
I need some advice and I thought you'd be the right person to exactly do you wear plaid skirts without looking too much like a school girl? I bought a high-waisted tweed skirt and I have no clue what to do with it! I've paired it with lots of sweaters and shirts, but nothing looks right. I hope you can help :)

Dear Sam,
Indeed, a plaid skirt always runs the risk of looking a little school-girlish but when paired with the right tops and accessories it can be sophisticated and mature. I like to wear my plaid skirts with neutral tops in browns, blacks or navy. A military inspired blazer or vest is a good option as is a pretty lacey blouse. A belted cardigan works on cooler days. And if you don't want to come across as a school girl, you can always be the school librarian, right? Hope this helps!
Sally Jane


I recently ran across this little wisp of a dress that was begging to be rescued. I love the eyelet lace, the pretty zig-zag seaming on the skirt and the little flutter sleeves. It's from the 30's and is definitely showing its age. It's a little dingy but nothing a good soaking and some sun bleaching won't take care of. The worst of it is the hole right at the neckline. I was hoping some creative stitching would take care of the problem but on closer inspection I realized that wouldn't do. A little brainstorming and I came up with the idea of attaching one of the vintage hand crocheted collars I found on my last trip to 'Bama. I pinned it in place to get an idea of the final product and I think I'm diggin' it. What do you think?

60's coat: vintage (altered by me)
black & white scarf: vintage
boots: vintage
purse, gloves & beret: vintage
wool tights: Mastermind

It's takin' some real will-power to let some of these go!

These gloomy, grey, cold days make me wish for a pretty red coat to brighten my mood...



dress: vintage (swap with Francesca)
blouse: UO
tights: AA
shoes: Seychelles via UO
purse: vintage (swap with Francesca)
faux glasses: vintage

The other day (I think it was Saturday) I was sitting at my computer just wasting a little time watching old TV episodes on Hulu when I checked the weather and realized it was 50 degrees outside. Fifty! Five-0! That's the warmest day we've had since... well, I can't even remember. I knew I had to get out of the house to enjoy a bit of warm(ish) air so I threw on my most library appropriate outfit and headed out the door. I didn't really have any particular book in mind, so I mostly just wandered the aisles, taking the the smell of the old books and flipping through any whose pretty spines caught my eye. It's a good thing I took advantage of the day because I awoke this morning to yet another blanket of snow covering the ground. Well, at least now I have a couple of books to curl up with while I wait for it to melt away.

As much time as I spend working on my own Ebay auctions, I'm quite a terrible Ebay-er when it comes to bidding on items. Usually I mark things to watch and then forget to check back when they're ending, or I place a bid so low I'm sure to be outbid. I don't think I've ever won a "Buy It Now" because I'm always thinkin' it over and someone else comes along and... well, you know - buys it now. And now that I've finally figured out Etsy a bit, I find myself doing the same thing. I mark a piece as a favorite and the next time I look at it, it's sold. I suppose this is the same sort of thing that plagues me when I'm in real stores. I often walk around with a handful of things to buy only to put them back at the last minute and walk out empty handed. I'm just not good at impulse buying. I really need to think about it first.

But lately, while I was thinkin' about it, I've missed out on some real gems. I think some of these are going to haunt me in my sleep...


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