Saturday 23 January 2010

I almost feel bad calling this a DIY project since all it requires is a needle and thread. It's about as simple as it gets. The collar was taken from a vintage coat and the satin cord was the belt for a vintage dress. All I had to do was cut the belt in half then stitch the raw ends to the inside of the collar, right at the edge. One tip... for jobs like this I prefer to use a millinery needle. It makes it much easier to sew through the thick fabric. Once the satin cord is secure you can wear the collar over any coat or sweater.
After many recommendations I finally got around to adding Carnivàle to my Netflixt list. The little red envelope arrived in my mailbox late last week and I had my Sunday afternoon all planned. I was going to turn on the fireplace, wrap up in a cozy blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and watch the the first season while I did all of my small sewing projects and mending. My perfect day was ruined when I opened the envelope to discover that the disk was completely split on one side. I put it in the DVD player anyway, hoping against hope that it would miraculously play. Of course all it did was spin and make terrible whining noises before spitting the disk back at me. Oh, well. It was worth a shot. A new disk is on its way and I can’t wait to get started watching it. If these stills are any indication, this show just might change the way I look at my closet. Just like when I watched Control and wanted nothing more than to dress like Annik Honoré.



blouse: H&M
skirt: vintage
shoes: Topshop
hat: vintage
tights: Banana Republic (they're nude fishnets, but you can't see them here)

It's officially too cold to take my outfit photos outdoors. I was afraid it might come to this. With the temperatures dipping below the teens this morning (that's about minus 11 for you Celcius folks) whenever I'm outside I'm all bundled up. I don't know how all of you Scandinavian girls do it! Instead, I'm posting a couple more photos from the shoot I did in the abandoned house. I was a bit embarrassed to post these because it seems as the day went on, I was having a little too much fun and became more and more dramatic with my poses. These photos just make me sort of laugh. But... I liked my outfit. ;) I'm trying to come up with a way to share outfit photos that doesn't require risking frostbite. I've got something in mind but it won't be nearly as fun as the photos I'm used to taking (or as fun for you to look at).
Thank you to reader Jennifer Anne for leaving the comment that led me to these wonderful images.



This morning I awoke with what felt like an ice pick stuck in my head. I don't often get headaches but this one was a doozy. I was supposed to accompany one of our cats to the vet but instead ended up curled up in bed with the blankets over my head while my boyfriend braved the vet alone. Soooo... In lieu of any in depth post I could have written today I've decided to cop out a bit and just post photos and a magazine article I scanned. The subject, I trust, needs no introduction. I've been a fan ever since high school when I first saw her appear in Sassy Magazine and then on screen in Kids. I love her independent spirit, her unabashed love of off-beat fashion and they way she embraces her non traditional beauty. The last time I was in H&M I picked up a copy of their magazine. Since I don't think it's available anywhere but in-store and H&Ms are few and far between (at least in the States) I thought some of you might enjoy taking a peek at her interview. Just click on each page to see full size.



I almost waited too late to take these photos. It's amazing how early the sun is going down these days. Like I said before, most things I'm buying lately are going straight into the store. Even if a piece slips through to my closet I usually wear it once or twice and then sell it anyway. For now, these are the pieces that are taking a little detour through my closet.

I love to wear dresses year round but since moving to PA I've found that the cold weather sometimes wins out over wearing a cute dress. This black Bobbie Brooks wool dress should cure that problem. I've been searching for a vintage Girl Scout dress for, well, perhaps years. I'm not sure what year this one is from so I'll have to do some research to find out. I can't wait to wear it but first it has a date with my iron and sewing machine. The little hand beaded collar came off of a dress I bought. I didn't really like the dress at all but couldn't resist that collar.


What a pain it is to photograph black clothes! You can never see all of the pretty little details. This sweater has a see-through mesh neckline with floral appliques. I'm not usually a fan of a lot of 70's fashion. Lately though I've been searching out longer skirt lengths (again, blame the cold weather) and the 70's seem to be the decade for that. I'm going to try to work these knee length skirts into rotation. Otherwise, you know where they'll end up!

In 1926 Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel published a picture of a short, simple black dress in Vogue. It was calf-length, straight, and decorated only by a few diagonal lines. Vogue called it “Chanel’s Ford.” Like the Model T, the little black dress was simple and accessible for women of all social classes. Vogue also said that the LBD would become “a sort of uniform for all women of taste.”
Every girl needs a little black dress in her closet, and that's never more true than during the holiday season when parties abound. So, this week's auctions are dedicated to the little black dress. There's a little bit of everything - from neat 60's cocktail dresses to 80's avant garde draping, from rich velvet to sheer chiffon. All of these dresses will be in the store tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon. Grab one for all of your upcoming holiday festivities!
*Black dresses are notoriously hard to photograph. If you see something you like, click on the photo and it will take you to a much larger image. Thanks!


sweater: Anthropologie
blouse: H&M
skirt: vintage (altered by me)
tights: AA
shoes: vintage

Today has been filled with preparations for this week's auctions. I'm planning something a little bit special this week. I'm hoping that it all works out in reality the way I have it planned in my head. It helps that after days of dreary grey skies and drizzling rain I see a little patch of blue sky up there. Not that it helps my plan at all, but it certainly helps my mood.
About a year ago I purchased these shoes online. I don't usually wear heels but I fell in love with these and thought they looked sturdy enough for my klutzy feet. I had my eye on the black ones but when they sold out in my size I order this cream colored pair instead. They're a perfect fit and, for heels, are really quite comfortable. I think I could actually walk in these. The problem is I just never wear this color shoe. I see girls with dark tights and light colored shoes on style sites all the time and always love how it looks but somehow it just doesn't work for me. I always feel like my feet are really conspicuous. I know that I would get more use out of them if they were black or, on the second thought, a nice chocolaty brown. I don't think dying leather is something I should try to DIY. It seems like a really daunting task. Has anyone had any experience in having shoes dyed? Either DIY or professionally? I'd love to know if it actually works before I jump in. Thanks!
Some eras in history seem only to exist in black and white. It's so rare to see a photograph from the 30's or 40's in color that it's sometimes easy to forget the the world was full of vivid color at that time. Every time I watch old black and white movies I wonder what color all the beautiful silk dresses are and what color the walls are painted. The Flickr photostream from The Library of Congress changes all of that. Loaded with scans of color slides from pre-WWII to the late 40's, it showcases the world in all its full color glory. The images range from Rosie the Riveter war workers to poor Southern share croppers to (some of my favorites) small town carnivals. They give a whole new perspective on what the world looked like at that time.


photos by Tom b.

dress: vintage
tights: AA
shoes, purse & hat: vintage

Yesterday I planned on waking up early to finish posting all of my Ebay auctions and cook our vegetarian turkey and gravy all in time to leave for Tom's sisters house for the family Thanksgiving gathering. I didn't set the alarm because I have pretty a accurate internal clock and can usually wake up on time on my own. Of course, the one day I need to wake up early I overslept! A little bit of panic set in when I rolled over and the clock said 10:40. Yikes! How did that happen?! So... long story short I cooked but didn't finish getting all of the auctions posted. Not to worry. I'm finishing them up this morning and they'll be in the store by this afternoon.

jennifer film

I'm going, going, gone for today! I'm off to celebrate Thanksgiving by doing the usual. Eating too much! I'll be back from my tofurky and stuffing induced coma tomorrow. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Here's a little peek at this week's auctions. All of these pieces will be posting in the store on Thursday afternoon. There are so many good pieces this week, I can't help but point out a few of my favorites. The little black dress with the Peter Pan collar and bow tie would be staying in my closet if it fit me - it's just a wee bit big :( The red and black tiger face sweater has been in my closet since the end of last winter. I just wasn't ready to sell it! But now I'm sure it will find a good new home. That motorcycle jacket is right out of my high school dreams! And the little grey dress on the last row reminds me so much of something Leanne would have made on Project Runway. And the collar on that trench coat is perrrrfect! Ok, Ok. I'll stop now. It's a wonder some of this didn't end up in my closet. Thanks so much for stoppin' by!

photos by Tom b.

sweater: Anthropologie
skirt: vintage (altered by me)
tights: AA
shoes & purse: vintage

The snow has all melted away and we're left with bright blue skies, wind that cuts right through you and sunshine that can't quite compete with the cold. I'm keeping warm today by staying inside and baking. This morning I've already finished a batch of pumpkin muffins. Yum!


coat: H&M
boots & hat: vintage
tights: Undercover

The first snow fell yesterday, blanketing the grass and rooftops. I know that come February I'll be begging Mother Nature for a little sunshine, but for now I'm relishing bundling up in my winter coat, walking down the sidewalk with big, fat flakes collecting on my shoulders and the quiet stillness that it brings as it covers the ground.

dress: vintage
shoes: vintage
tights: Banana Republic
hat: Miller's Hats

Here are a few more photos from the abandoned house shoot. I wish this place was within walking distance from where I live. I could go back and shoot so many more photos in its rooms. I couldn't help but wonder who in the world lived here. There were flower stickers all over the ceiling in the kitchen. One of the bathrooms had a toilet seat printed with the Greek gods while the other bathroom had the most amazing playing card wallpaper. It was kooky to say the least. One of my favorite parts (of course) was the dogwood flower wallpaper that was hanging inside the kitchen pantry.
Try looking in the attic first.
You don’t have one? Then it’s time maybe to go to the secret barn. Somewhere there is one.
And it’s filled with everything.
Look…there under that huge pile of saddles and hats…it seems to be the hood of a car. Oh no. It’s the Packard. It’s the 12-cylinder Packard convertible somebody (Emily?) once drove across the country. The doors are locked.
…but inside the car seems to be stuffed with old clocks, framed oil paintings, a leopard skin, books, boots, brass fishing reels, stamp albums…
You can’t take it all in. At the other end of the barn you notice a marble table, a beautiful slim-wheeled two-seat carriage, a stack of a dozen carved chairs, a leather trunk…it’s all too much at once…
You trip on something. What is it? A leather suitcase of some kind. You lift it by its handles. It has old European hotel stickers on it. You grab it and practically run…you’ll come back to the barn some other time…
In broad daylight you examine it. A beautiful, mellow old leather Gladstone. (That’s what they used to call them.) Rather defiantly and ruggedly old-fashioned looking. Strong enough to go down the Nile, across the Alps, through the Canal, over the oceans, but still small enough to carry aboard a plane. A thing like this would cost a fortune these days…



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