Saturday 23 January 2010

I spent the afternoon sitting on the couch watching Cash in the Attic on BBC and flipping through my recently acquired interior decorating books for inspiration for tomorrow's thrifting trip. As I was looking through Flea Market Style I started noticing that several of the photos (even the cover shot) were from the same gorgeously decorated loft. Whoever occupies this space has the most amazing collection of vintage furniture and knick-knacks, well, ever. I love the vintage scarfs hung from the ceiling to separate the work space from the rest of the loft, the perfectly broken in furniture partially reupholstered in vintage fabrics, the collection of vintage dresses hung on the walls like pieces of art, the um, chocolate brown velvet bed with racing seats (?!) all being shared with two adorable orange and white cats. I can't help but wonder who is the amazing woman who lives in the space and what does she do?

(click on any of the photos to view the details)


dress: vintage (Zap & Co., Lancaster, PA)
purse: vintage (Salvation Army, PA)
shoes: vintage (Slow on Melrose, Los Angeles, CA)
sunglasses: vintage (Root's Market, PA)

There's a lovely vintage store in town called Zap & Co. that I go into frequently. I always browse through the racks but have never found anything to take home with me. Most of the clothes are quite old, from the 20's, 30's and 40's, and too delicate for everyday sort of wear. The last time I went in, I saw this dress and my heart skipped a beat. It nearly jumped off the rack and into my hands. Luckily it fits like a charm. I think I'm in love!


shirt: J. Perse (Maxfield in LA)
shorts: vintage (Ebay)
shoes: vintage (Salvation Army, PA)
purse: vintage (America's Thrift, B'ham, AL)
sunglasses: vintage (Root's Market, PA)

Today was filled with afternoon rain showers that broke into evening sun and humidity. Summer has officially arrived. Tonight we are heading south out of town to explore a new thrift store and a new Thai restaurant. A perfect Saturday night.

Here are some of my favorite thrift finds as of late. Most of the clothes and shoes I've found are going straight into the store but these black t-strap flats and brown woven sandals with wooden heels found their way into my closet. Speaking of closet, these two silly little vintage oil paintings from Goodwill are going to be hung on my closet walls. Last but certainly not least, I'm sure you'll be seeing lots of this brown leather bag. It has turquoise and white woven details and is just the type of Native American inspired accessory I've been searching for.
Here's a sneak peak at what I'll be working on today. All of these gems will be posting in the store later today. Be sure to check it out. Thanks a million!


dress: vintage (Ebay)
vest: vintage (Slow on Melrose, Los Angeles)
shoes & bag: vintage (America's Thrift, B'ham, AL)
locket: vintage (America's Thrift, B'ham, AL)
bracelet: Target
sunglasses: H&M

Today's adventures took me to the Salvation Army. I found a pair of high waisted Gloria Vanderbilt jeans that I'm hoping will become my new favorite jeans. In the world of non-clothing finds, I stumbled upon a small collection of antique wooden sewing spools (some with the thread still on them) and scooped them up right away. When I got to the cash register, the lady working behind the counter asked me what they were. I told her and she said that someone else had just bought a whole bunch of them. Argh! At least I got what was left. I'll try to take some photos of them for you.

top: J. Perse
skirt: vintage (Salvation Army, PA)
necklace: vintage (America's Thrift, B'ham, AL)
bag: vintage (America's Thrift, B'ham, AL)
shoes: vintage (Salvation Army, PA)
sunglasses: H&M
Yesterday was supposed to be the official start of summer and the day definitely lived up to that. The temperatures reached over 80 degrees. While we were out exploring on this beautiful day, we discovered this empty Amish farm. The entire place is for sale and they were having an open house. We were even able to go inside the early 19th century Victorian farmhouse. As I was wandering around the vast rooms, I began to fantasize about buying it and fixing it up. But those dreams were quickly dashed when I looked around and remembered that there was not even any electricity in the house. It was an Amish house after all.

pictures by Tom

tee: UO
tank: H&M
jeans: Superfine
shoes: vintage
hat: borrowed from a niece

We spent yesterday afternoon at a family picnic in the park. It was such a beautiful day to be outside. We put pennies on the train tracks, made clover bracelets and discovered a nest of baby birds in the gazebo.

romper: H&M
tee: American Apparel
sweater: vintage (Salvation Army)
tights: UO
boots: vintage (Salvation Army)
bag & scarf: vintage (Salvation Army)
sunglasses: vintage (Root's Market)
I never really know what the weather is going to be like these days. One second it's sunny and warm, the next it's cool and breezy. I layered up to walk to the Farmer's Market but ended up ditching the sweater and scarf.

tee: from The National
jeans: Superfine
jacket: H&M
scarf: H&M
shoes: Converse
sunglasses & bag: vintage
More adorable rompers. summery ethnic print dresses and 80's acid wash. Don't miss out! Thanks as always. Love ya!


dress: vintage (Wasteland on Melrose)
tee: American Apparel
jacket: vintage (little boy's: Salvation Army, Pennsylvania)
shoes: vintage (Salvation Army, Pennsylvania)
bag: vintage (America's Thrift, B'ham, Alabama)

When we moved to PA in January I packed all of my summer clothes into a big box. About a week ago I was doing some spring cleaning and decided it was finally time to unpack the box. I was so happy to see all of my summery vintage dresses. I lived in them in LA, but since moving to the cold northeast I haven't had much occasion to wear them. Hopefully you'll be seeing more of them now that the weather has started to warm up.
When ever someone asks me to define my style I always come up blank. I think this is because what I wear is so dependent on my moods and whims of the moment. I swing from one extreme to the other, at one moment looking like a 50's housewife, another looking a bit like Patti Smith. I've never been able (or willing really) to pin down one look for myself. But Effie definitely has a look all her own. She seems to have a natural talent for putting together looks that are decidedly vintage and modern all at once. And since she's opening an Etsy store we can all benefit from her eye for vintage fashions and accessories.


jeans: Superfine
t-shirt: thrifted
jacket: H&M
scarf: H&M
boots: vintage

Last night, after the rain finally stopped and the clouds broke, my boyfriend and I walked over to the cemetery across the street from our apartment. Everytime the moon would peek out from behind the clouds, I would start to hear "Thriller" in my head!

dress: vintage (Crossroads on Melrose)
shoes: vintage (Slow on Melrose)
bag: vintage (America's Thrift, B'ham, AL)
necklace: vintage (my grandmother's)

I always enjoy reading where other people find their vintage pieces so I'm going to try to start listing where I find each of my pieces. This dress is a result of trading in some of my old clothes that I no longer wore at Crossroads in LA. When they take all of your clothes they ask if you want cash or store credit. I could see this dress hanging on the rack and I knew it was coming home with me. I think that was the only time I took store credit. :)

The other day I was reading Fops & Dandies and ran across a post about showing what's in your jewelry box. I really liked the idea of getting a peak into someone else's jewelry box. So often they are filled with treasures collected over the years. Mine is mostly filled with thrift store finds or random things I've collected for DIY projects that I never get around to. Here's what mine holds:
  • I love long necklaces and lockets. Currently, my most worn piece is this pocket watch necklace from UO but I would really like to find an antique one.
  • Vintage pins and brooches to be worn on jackets or sweaters or occasionally in my hair. One of these is a thrift store find, the other was my grandmother's.
  • Random odds and ends I've collected such as a shell with a hole (perfect for stringing on a necklace), pieces of sea glass and an old skeleton key.
  • Old beaded necklaces. Right now neither of these get worn because they are in desperate need of restringing and I'm afraid they might fall apart if worn.
  • I have really tiny wrists so most bracelets are much too big. Anytime I run across a bracelet at a thrift store that actually fits, I snatch it right up.
More cute shoes! More great bags! Lots of summery dresses! All posting today at Sally Jane Vintage. Be sure to check it out. Thanks!


tank top: American Apparel
jeans: Superfine
shoes: Minnetonka (thrifted)
scarf: vintage
sunglasses: vintage

It was such a beautiful day yesterday that my boyfriend and I headed out to Root's Market. We walked leisurely through all the stands looking at the antiques and collectibles. I ended up purchasing two decks of vintage Art Deco playing cards that I will use for hang tags on the clothes I'm selling and four pairs of vintage sunglasses. I got two pairs of big 80's glasses (one with clear lenses), a green pair from the 60's and these 50's gold and black cat eye glasses.



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